About Us

About Us

Qingdao Tlead International Co., Ltd, an Importers and Exporters start from 1992 based in Qingdao China and focus on worldwide market.

Established in 2004, Qingdao Tlead International Co., Ltd focus on Chemicals, Lab and Industry Test Meters, Machine Tools, Steel Ball, Wood Machinery.  Our customers now from more than 110 countries and area. Fast shipment, reasonable price, good service is our advantage. 

About Website
www.tlead.biz (in USA) and www.tlead.net (in China) are same, you can visit any one which is more faster from your side. Old website you can visit from www.scilogex.net. Our products sorts alphabetically, if you know the products name or model number, we suggest you search it from the top right part of this website, or contact us by for more.

Our holiday in 2024

Sep.16 ~ Sep.17

Oct.1 ~ Oct,7